Wednesday 16 August 2017


My name is Chantal and I'm a flexitarian!

People like to put you in boxes - label you - but I find it hard to describe my diet...

Up until the summer of 2013 I was a proud carnivore, who would eat my steaks 'bleu' and regularly order a beef tartare... but then I went on a 28 day juice fast and that changed everything (the details of my juicing will fill another post, so that's for another day).

During my fast I was so looking forward to a nice confit of duck or filet steak, but after the fast the idea of eating meat suddenly turned my stomach. And this was nothing to do with animal or planetary welfare, this was simply my body rejecting something it no longer wanted to ingest.

The desire to eat meat has not returned. I'm not saying I will never touch it again, as my body may suddenly crave it; though in the past four years I have done quite a bit of research, and with all I've learnt I think I would try to very hard to resist that urge, for the good of the planet, the animals and my own health.

After a second 28 day juice fast in 2015 I went off alcohol and almost entirely stopped wanting dairy.

At home, my current daily diet is almost vegan, but I do eat a little fish from time to time (though less and less), as well as the odd egg, so how do you describe that to someone? Well, it looks like I'm not alone as the term 'flexitarian' has appeared, and while many make fun of it, I think it's a pretty good description of the way I now eat.

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